One More Week of Feeling Good…

It is hard to believe it has been 3 weeks since my last infusion….which means a week from today I will be at the cancer center at Bergan Mercy Hospital getting my third round of Doxil. Thankfully, I feel relatively good on this chemotherapy for most of the time. I just don’t know if it is working. I will be scheduling scans during the weeks following my infusion. I pray that it is working, as if I have to take chemotherapy, I would like to continue this one as long as possible, as it impacts my life the least thus far. I do have a bit of a rash under one arm, but for the most part, I can ignore it if it is covered. I have been blessed with cooler than normal weather and been able to walk for over an hour every morning with Tallinn. We typically walk about 5 miles. He and I enjoy it. For those of you whom have never had the pleasure to spend time in Nebraska, it gets beastly hot and humid in the summer….just as it is bitterly cold in the winter. After our walks, I have been researching new recipes (huli-huli chicken was a big hit last night), working on my bookkeeping job at Play It Again Sports, scrapbooking, talking with Lily, and studying Spanish. The days are starting to run together unfortunately, but I know I am not the only one who feels this way. So for all of those who are quarantined for the umpteenth day…I feel you! I hope you are making the most of your home time!

6 thoughts on “One More Week of Feeling Good…

  1. Cyndi, Thanks for keeping us updated! Glad things are finally a little bit better. You are in my prayers again today


  2. Cyndi,
    Glad you’re doing well with the doxil. Thank you for the update. We continue to keep you in our daily prayers. 5 mile walks are great! You’re awesome!
    God’s blessings,


  3. hey, Cindy – great to hear that the side effects of the chemo seem to be minor, and sure will be praying that it’s never the less effective. I second the thought that given the choice between cool cloudy weather and the beastly humidity of Omaha Summers, I would take the former. I continue to be struck by the fact that, well you’re on chemo, you continue to get more done and be more active than I. you are a machine 🙂


  4. Cyndi,
    Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you are feeling pretty good with this chemo and having minimal side effects. You have been in our daily thoughts and prayers.
    God bless.


  5. Hi Cyndi, sometimes my phone lets me leave a message and sometimes not. I love your postings and hearing about your family..,


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